$26M fuels new growth for Harmac
Robert Barron, The Daily News
Published: Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Harmac pulp mill in Nanaimo will receive almost $27 million from the
federal government's $1-billion aid package designed to prop up the
nation's struggling pulp and paper industry.
The funding will strengthen the mill's position against U.S. competitors
that receive subsidies for using alternatives fuel and pave the way for
the employee-led company to diversify beyond pulp production and begin
producing electricity to add to Vancouver Island's power grid.
International Trade Minister Stockwell Day announced at Harmac on Friday
that the Nanaimo facility is among 38 pulp and paper mills across the
country to receive funding under the federal Pulp and Paper Green
Transformation Program. Catalyst Paper's Crofton pulp mill will receive
$18 million.
The funding is a response to an estimated $6 billion in subsidies and tax
credits America offers to pulp mills that use a pulp byproduct known as black liquor, considered to be an alternative fuel, to
fire their boilers.
Some American mills that were closed due to market difficulties have
reopened thanks to the subsidies. Canadian mills, which don't receive
comparable subsidies, continue to deal with a struggling marketplace so
the funding is an attempt to level the playing field. The money must be
used within three years to improve energy efficiency or environmental
Harmac uses 458 million litres of black liquor each year with one pulp
line in operation. That number is expected to increase by 50% now that the
mill has started a second line.
The funding couldn't come at a better time for Harmac, which has been
having problems accessing credit needed to start new projects at the
500-hectare mill site.
Among other plans, Harmac will upgrade to the mill's boilers to operate
more efficiently with less effluent. Harmac also has plans to produce 70
to 100 gigawatts of power from wood at a generation site that would be
added to B.C.'s power grid.
Day said the federal administrators of this program will consider
"anything related to ongoing capital adjustments."
"Any improvements at the mills that are geared toward increasing their
efficiencies will also improve their green processes," he said.
Harmac president Levi Sampson said he only learned two days ago about the
funding announcement. He said having Day choose the Nanaimo mill to make
the national announcement is an endorsement of the facility's new
worker-owner model. Nanaimo Forest Products, consisting of three private
partners and the workers, bought the mill last year for $13.2 million
after former owner Pope & Talbot went bankrupt.
"The government chose companies that they feel will be around in the
future by keeping their costs in check and continually operating during
these hard times," Sampson said.
"We believe this is good for these companies and for Canada, which is well
on the way to making its pulp and paper industry one of the greenest in
Day said the past few years have been "trying times" for the country's
forest industry and commended companies like Harmac and the federal
government, for "not just sitting back and taking a pounding" and making
efforts to forge ahead despite worldwide economic difficulties.
He said Harmac is proving to be successful due to the innovative actions
of its new ownership.
"Harmac's workers take a positive approach to their workplace every day
and that has been instrumental in creating a world-class operation that is
having such a tremendous impact on the community and the country," Day
James Lunney, MP for Nanaimo-Alberni, said the funding announcements are
part of the government's response to the demand that "the west wants in."
"This is what 'in' looks like and it shows that the west is not being
ignored by this government," he said.